Friday, January 8, 2016

Rise Of The Tomb Raider | FREE STEAM KEYS | ONLINE | 2016

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About This Game :

Rise of the Tomb Raider is the 2015 sequel to the 2013 rebootof the Tomb Raider franchise from developer Crystal Dynamicsand publisher Square Enix. This will be the eleventh Tomb Raider game. The game has been released on November 10th 2015 on Xbox One.
Microsoft Announced At E3 2015 that Rise of the Tomb Raider will be a timed exclusive release for both the Xbox 360 and Xbox One on November 2015.
Square Enix later revealed the PC version would arrive Early 2016 via Steam, and PS4 would arrive Holiday 2016. There has been no word on a PlayStation 3 version.In her first adventure, Lara Croft was forged into a true survivor, but she glimpsed a deeper, secret world. In the next chapter of her journey, Lara must use her survival skills and wits and ultimately accept her destiny as the Tomb Raider.
After she encountered an immortal being, Lara spent a year researching eternal life to both understand and prove what she saw. This research leads on her on a quest to find Kitezh, a mythical city both founded and lost in what is now Russia's Siberian tundra
"What makes someone reach beyond the boundaries of human face the unknown? As children, we question the world around us. We learn, we accept, and gradually, we lose our capacity for wonder. But some do not - the explorers, the seekers of truth. It is these pioneers who define the future of mankind."

The game begins with a small camp at Siberia, where Lara is gazing at the huge mountains that await them. Jonah tells her that the others won't be accompanying them anymore except him. The climb soon becomes challenging, with Lara nearly falling down to her death. As Lara reaches the top, she sees the ruins of Kitezh from afar, but the storm strikes the mountain and separates the two.
The scene reverts to London, England two weeks earlier, with Lara walking through the dark rainy alleyways. As she passes by her father's apartment, she sees a mysterious figure with a flashlight through the windows and decides to investigate. The mysterious figure finds a recorded voice message, with Richard Croft explaining that he has already found the next piece of the puzzle in his quest for immortality, but someone is stalking him - Trinity, a violent sect which aims on taking over humanity. Lara enters, causing the mysterious figure to flee. Lara finds the window open, presuming that the mysterious figure might have used it to escape. As she investigates her father's research documents, the door starts to open. Lara quickly picks up her climbing axe and prepares it for the mysterious visitor. As the visitor opens the door, Lara almost hits the visitor before realizing it was Ana - Richard Croft's lover. Ana gives her a newspaper article, detailing Trinity accusing Lara for her adventures about immortality as "another crazy Croft, a daughter just like her father," to which Lara regards to as lies. She asks Ana if she was being stalked. Ana gets surprised by this question and answers 'no'. Lara tells her that she thinks she already knows the location of the Prophet's tomb, which her father believes holds some secret to immortality. She explains that her father was close to a great discovery, just before he died. Ana does not believe her and told her that her father was unwell. Ana regards that she was in love and almost wanted to marry him, but he was a broken man and she doesn't want Lara to end up like him. Lara tells Ana that the tomb is in Syria and her father was right and everyone else was wrong to which Ana replies that it is madness and get her life sorted and go back to the manor. Ana regards that the obsession ruined her father. Lara tells her that she can't go back. Lara says she saw something supernatural, after her experience in Yamatai and now believes her father. She tells Ana that she will be going to Syria to find the Prophet's tomb in hopes of finding the Divine Source.
The scene then reverts to Syria, where a man drives Lara through the northwest borders of Syria's deserts. The man tells her that they are heading for a war zone and she better be sure about this, to which Lara exclaims that they are close to an oasis near a canyon up ahead. Suddenly a chopper appears and chases them, in which the man tells her that it's just local militia. Lara realizes that the man is lying and the chopper is actually Trinity. The man admits to telling Trinity because they paid better than her. Then the chopper fires, crashing the truck and killing the driver. Lara survives the explosion and falls off a cliff. But she survives with the aid of her climbing axe. She explores the mountain cliffs and eventually finds a secret entrance that leads her to the the Prophet's tomb. After exploring inside, she finds a marker saying that the prophet tomb is near and murals depicting the prophet performing healing miracles and preaching to the people about the Divine God. Lara soon learns that Trinity was after a prophet who they believed was preaching about a Divine Source. They supposedly killed him and his followers and had been looking for the Divine Source many centuries ago. As she evades the deadly traps in the area and nearly drowns, she finally found the shrine dedicated to the tomb of the deathless prophet. After finding a way to raise the water level by opening the floodgates, she reaches the top and finds the tomb. However, as she opens it, she is surprised to see it empty. The area is soon stormed by Trinity's armed forces lead by a man named Konstantin. As they open the tomb, Lara comes out and aims a gun on them. Konstantin asks where the Divine Source is, to which Lara answers and tells him that there was no artifact there. Konstantin does not believe Lara and attempts to kill her, but Lara activates the explosives that Trinity set in the area. The area collapses, killing most of Trinity's forces. Lara barely manages to exit the water flooding the area, and soon finds a mysterious cross insignia engraving on the floor.
The scene then reverts to Croft Manor in Surrey, England where Lara is doing some research on the mysterious cross insignia she found earlier. Jonah enters the room and after a short reunion, asks Lara about her adventure in Syria. Lara told him that she did found the Prophet's tomb, but it was empty, and she was being followed by an organization named Trinity who was also after the Divine Source. She told Jonah that she found a mysterious insignia of a cross during her escape. On one of her father's books, it says that the insignia is linked to the lost city of Kitezh in Siberia, which sunk under a lake during the eve of the mongol horde's invasion in the 12th century. Lara believes that if this really contains the secret of immortality, then it could change everything like sickness, death, to which Jonah becomes angered and regards that she has gone insane. He says he'd lost a lot of friends already and doesn't want to lose her. An angry Jonah leaves the room. Lara loses hope and shoves all the papers away. She knelled down and hugged the book. Later on she sees a mysterious shadow on the vase and thinks it is Jonah. But she soon realizes that the mysterious figure behind her is not Jonah and immediately threw the vase towards the intruder. An intense hand-to-hand fight ensues between the two. Jonah hears the commotion and helps Lara. The man steals her father's book and jumps off the window before Lara can shoot him. Jonah now becomes determined to help Lara find the Divine Source before Trinity does in Siberia.
The scene then goes back to the present day in Northeastern Siberia. Lara awakens and tells Jonah to go back to shelter because she needs to do the quest alone via radio. Lara then receives a voice conversation from Konstantin saying that they are now looking for the artifact in the mountains and the Remnant, a group of natives trying to protect the Divine Source, is resisting them, but they will be handled. After gathering some sticks for fire and making a camp, she sleeps for the stormy night, waiting for the storm to stop. Meanwhile, in the forest, a remnant (remnants are the natives who stayed in the area to protect the Divine Source) named Sofia and her companion is being chased by Konstantin's forces. They managed to capture the remnant. Sofia urges them not to kill him, but the remnant tells her to go and leave him. Trinity kills the remnant and Sofia flees. The group split up to look for Sofia, and one of them finds Lara's campfire. Lara overhears the noise and manages to hide up above the tree. As the soldier investigates the campfire, Lara jumps down and kills him. As she explores the forest further, she manages to sneak in and kills many soldiers quickly. Then she overhears someone screaming and rushes. After finding the radio which was the source of the screaming, a large bear appears out of its hiding in a cave and chases Lara. Lara runs and tries to fight the bear, which overpowers and injures her. She barely manages to escape and soon finds Trinity's base of operations in a cold war installation. Lara has a flashback of her childhood years. She climbs the windows to her father's room, and her father laughs, saying that she refuses to use the door again. Lara says that its the fastest way. They embrace. Lara says that he is going on another adventure and she should be his assistant. Her father says that his adventure would be really dangerous. Then he told Lara that she will make such a mark in history and make him proud. Then the phone rings and the flashback stops. The scene goes back to Lara in the present day. She realizes that the only way to the installation is through the bear cave. After a short fight, Lara explores the ruins inside the cave and the flashbacks continue. Young Lara overhears her father having an argument on the phone with a mysterious phone, presumably Trinity, over his discovery. Trinity hangs up, angering her father. Lara gets mad over her father and told him to stop his adventures and be his father again. Then the scene reverts back to Lara's adventure. While walking, an arrow almost hits her. As she draws her bow, she finds Sofia, the one who shot the bow.
Lara tells Sofia that she is not her enemy. Sofia tells Lara that she killed many of Trinity's forces, to which Lara replies that she killed them to survive and she suspects Sofia did the same. Sofia tells Lara that the Trinity had been there for days and that she must leave the place before it's too late. Lara says she can't because she came there for something important. Sofia then says that they did too and once she sees Lara again she will put an arrow into her throat. Lara says that they are on the same side and tries to prove her. However, a building in the soviet installation explodes from afar, catching Lara's attention. As she was about to ask Sofia, she realizes that she had disappeared. After delving further into the installation and killing many of the mercenaries there, she discovers that many remnants were being tortured by Trinity to reveal the location of the Divine Source. All of the remnants remained faithful and did not reveal the location, even if it means death. After finding a pistol from a dead remnant, Lara overhears Konstantin explaining their objective to get the Divine Source which will open to a "new world." Konstantin blinds one of the mercenaries who failed to do his duties with his own fingers. A mercenary then contacts Konstantin via radio and tells him that they found a captive who might know the location of the Divine Source. Lara sneaks in, bombs the building, and escapes. While exploring, she finds more of the remnants, who gives Lara missions like breaking the communication repeaters in the area and more, therefore gaining the trust of the remnants. Lara overhears conversations via radio that the captive seems to be the leader of the remnants and might know the location of the Divine Source. The captive seems to have some experience with interrogation techniques and the man on the radio tells them to get "creative" with doing the interrogation because if Konstantin does it, he won't like it. As Lara sneaks in behind a small cabin, she overhears a conversation with Konstantin and a mysterious man on the radio. The man (probably the head of the whole Trinity) tells Konstantin that his reports have ceased. Konstantin says that they were having difficulty with torturing the faithful remnants and the communications became offline, but they managed to put it under control. A mercenary sees Lara from behind. As Lara flees, a mercenary appears in front of her and knocks her unconscious.
She awakens, tied bound to a chair with all of her equipment removed from her. Lara sees Ana in front of her, also tied to a chair and captured. Lara asks her what she was doing there, to which Ana replied that "she doesn't know and she is scared." Lara apologizes for making her involved in the situation. She didn't know they would come after Ana, to which Ana asks who are "they." Lara says they were after the same thing her father was, which annoys Ana. Konstantin appears and walks towards Ana. Then he threatens Lara to talk as he chokes Ana with a small chain. Lara shouts to him to stop because she doesn't know that Ana is secretly a leading Trinity authority. Konstantin stops the choking and releases Ana. Ana tells Konstantin to stop because she doesn't know, much to the surprise of Lara. Lara then gets a horrifying revelation - that Ana was with Trinity all along. Konstantin slaps Lara violently. Ana tells Lara that she couldn't let it go and that Ana knew Lara would find her way to the place they currently are in. Ana offers Lara a deal - Trinity could use an experienced adventurer like her to find the Divine Source both of them seeks, and that since Lara wants a purpose in life, Trinity could give her one. Lara refuses, knowing how Trinity operates. Lara furious asks Ana if she was already with Trinity before or after screwing with her father. Ana replies that she loved Richard, but idealism blinded and destroyed him. Ana asks her what she would do with the artifact, to which Ana replies herself that Lara would show it to the world and redeem her father's good name. She tells Lara that she is so naive, "like a frightened little girl trying to walk in her daddy's shoes." Then she spits on Ana's face, which angers Konstantin, kicking Lara. Just as he was about to shoot Lara, Ana stops him. Ana gives her time to think, as Konstantin locks her inside a prison cell. Lara meets another prisoner. After seeing Lara use a small earring to release her handcuffs, the prisoner becomes impressed. Then he asks if Lara could get both of them out of there. Lara says that she can't trust him because she doesn't even know who he is or why he is there. Lara apologizes for not really being in the trusting state at that time. The man tells her that she won't get far without him, to which Lara answers that he doesn't know how far she have come. Lara asks the man about what he knows about Trinity, to which the man says that they are a secretive sect who believes they are doing the work of God, which Lara regards Trinity is pretty "far from holy." Lara breaks the water pipe in the cell and breaks the wall. She manages to get to the other side of the room, where she retrieves her bow and arrow along with some rope, allowing her to craft rope arrows. Using her rope arrows, she manages to pull down the upper portion of her cell gate and crawl through to escape. The prisoner persuades her to help him, to which Lara says she can't trust him. The man says that they may not be enemies and that he can help her. Lara answers by saying she works better alone. The man still persuades her by saying that he knows the layout of the area, to which Lara still answers by saying that she is a fast learner. The man says that he knows what she and Trinity are all after. Lara then agrees to help him. She retrieves all her equipment and opens the prisoner's cell. The man introduces himself as Jacob and thanks Lara. Lara then gives him a radio in case they get separated. Jacob guides Lara through the area. Lara soon learns that the soviets were sent there to work in the mines, excavating ancient artifacts. The two soon discovers that Trinity have been conduction operations in the area, and that the gate to the train yard that leads to Jacob's village in the valley is closed. Lara sneaks in and opens the gate. The two enter a building and overhears Konstantin and Ana. Konstantin says there is a remnant village in the mountains. Then he tells Ana not to lose focus again, and that he can tell that she is being sentimental about Lara because she is still alive. Ana realizes that Konstantin had doubted her, and becomes furious. Then she coughs, revealing she is struck with a strange disease. Konstantin says life had been hard on both of them and that he will protect Ana, to which Ana replies with sarcasm by asking who is being sentimental now. Konstantin promises that they will find the Divine Source and cure Ana's illness, but more importantly, live in a world cleansed of sin. Ana then orders to send the men to the village to get more information from the remnants. Jacob is angered by this and tries to get to them but Lara stops him, saying it is too dangerous. A mercenary contacts Konstantin, saying that two prisoners have escaped the cells. They leave the area along with the mercenaries and goes to the cells. Meanwhile, Lara jumps down and finds an ancient text saying,"Mankind shall be judged, the non - believers turned to ash and swept away and the pure of faith will be raised up and eternal." The alarm rings and the two split up as troopers storm the area. Lara treads the waters down the basement quietly to avoid the mercenaries. Lara goes out of the basement hole and escapes in the other room. Jacob contacts her and tells her to meet him at the train yard near the end of the Gulag prison. The mercenaries finds her and chases here down, with Lara managing to steal an assault rifle from a mercenary. As she reaches the train yard, she sees Jacob take down a mercenary easily. The two get chased by Trinity's chopper through the train tracks and into the trains. The chopper blows down the rest of the tracks causing a dead end. Troopers and the chopper had cornered Lara, with the two escaping by jumping down a nearby river. They barely survive the freezing waters. The chopper continues to chase down Lara, separating the two temporarily. After an intense, death - defying chase, Lara jumps down a zip line which soon gets cut down. Lara falls down a nearby river and drowns.
After another flashback of young Lara seeing her father dead in her office, she awakens with Jacob in a small camp. Jacob gives Lara some soup. Lara tells Jacob that he could've left her to die, to which Jacob replies and asks that would Lara have left him. Jacob asks her why she risked so much to get to that place to seek the Divine Source. Lara says that when she was young, it was just her and her archaeologist who in his last years was obsessed with myths about immortality in which no one believed him, including Lara, with their last conversation being a fight where he took his own life. She thought she had come to terms with it, but something else happened. During her experience in Yamatai, she saw something supernatural, and had started to believe her father. Her father died alone and broken, but died for something. Jacob asks her if she believes that the Divine Source is real, to which Lara says she honestly don't know, but if there is some truth to it, she must find out because the Divine Source is something not to be hidden, something that needs to be researched, studied, something that could make a difference to the world, with which Jacob answering back by saying a difference is not always for the best. Then he asks Lara if she would wish Trinity would have the secret to immortality, which Lara answers no. Jacob then asks her not to abandon her quest but to alter its path by joining his people in repelling Konstantin and Trinity. Lara asks that after that it's done. Jacob answers that she leaves their valley untouched, but knowing she did the right thing. She refuses, saying that she will fight Trinity alongside Remnant but her goal remains the same. She says that once she gives up she will be letting her father down and she herself needs to understand. Jacob grows concerned of his village and leaves, saying that his village is a day's travel on foot over the mountain pass, but there is a shortcut through the old copper mine. He tells Lara to rest and he'll be back soon.
The next day, Lara resumes her quest and follows Jacob's directions on her radio by going to the base of the old Soviet mill to meet her at the mine entrance at the top of the facility. Soon Jacob contacts her again and tells her that he is pinned down and Lara must escape. Lara infiltrates the base where the soviets had stored the ancient artifacts and kills the mercenaries trying to catalog the Soviet's relics. After throwing a molotov cocktail, the building starts to burn and Lara gets attacked by troopers armed with shields, but Lara manages to fend them off. She escapes the building and makes it through the mine where Jacob saves her from nearly getting killed by a mercenary. While exploring the mine, Lara realizes that the mines where once paths leading to Jacob's village. After the soviets explored the area and used machines and explosives to search for artifacts that Trinity is now continuing, many of the old paths collapsed, which complicates things. Trinity's forces starts to destroy the whole area separating Lara and Jacob, who becomes trapped by rocks. Jacob tells her to go find Sofia and tell her that Trinity is preparing an attack on Remnants. Lara barely escaped, avoiding the machinery. Lara explores part of the lost city of Kitezh, where Trinity was trying to break open a large gate by attaching a cable to a truck and attempting to pull it down. Using her logic and intellect, Lara manages to find ways to use the obstacles in the area to open the door. The area nearly collapses and Lara jumps just in time to reach the entrance. Inside Lara finds a statue of the immortal prophet and murals. The first mural shows the exodus of the prophet's followers in Syria, then another mural shows the prophet and his followers building a village in the valley which is Kitezh. The third mural depicts the building of an army to protect the prophet and the city itself. And lastly, a mural depicting the creation of a small artifact known as the atlas so that the prophet can know his city and its secrets. Lara realizes she must get this atlas to find the Divine Source.
Lara finds the village where she gets surrounded by remnants led by Sofia. Lara tells her that she is not with Trinity, and that she escaped with Jacob, which Sofia does not believe and regards that Jacob would never trust an outsider. Lara says they were exploring the mines when the whole place got collapsed, trapping Jacob, which one of the remnants regard that she killed him. Just as she was about to shoot Lara with a bow, Jacob miraculously appears and stops Sofia. They embrace, and Jacob asks Lara to forgive Sofia for being cautious. Jacob tells Sofia that Trinity is about to prepare an attack on the Remnants and they must prepare. Jacob orders that no harm will reach Lara. Then he orders the preparations of the weapon stores and the battlements. He says that they are outnumbered, and the ones unable to fight goes to the catacombs. Jacob tells her to work hard with the villages to gain their trust. Jacob then tells her to light the signal tower to warn the people to evacuate, which Lara complies. Trinity choppers start to attack the area and soon the entire village is in fire. Jacob and two others becomes hostage, with their captor shooting them one by one. Lara tries to help him but Jacob stops her. After the first remnant is shot, the captor was about to shoot the second remnant until Jacob tells him not to do it. Just as the captor was about to shoot him, the second remnant tells him of an atlas that can show the way to the Divine Source, enough diversion for Jacob to kill the captor and give Lara his shotgun. After an intense gunfight with a mercenary armed with a flamethrower, Trinity's forces retreats as the natives shoot fire arrows at them. In a chapel at the Soviet installation, Konstantin hears the news of Lara's cooperation with the Remnants to fend off Trinity and becomes violently frustrated. Konstantin tells Ana that they should have killed her, to which Ana replies that he has nothing to do for his efforts and she'll succeed when he's failing. Konstantin furiously answers that he will not fail, to which Ana answers back that Trinity will step in if he does, and that means she is expendable. They will not care about her survival and that she needs the power of the source. Ana then coughs, with which Konstantin tells her not to lose faith in God and that their success is inevitable. Konstantin then prays and asks for the way to find the Divine Source and grant him strength to commit the sins just to get through the barriers between him and the Source. After blood drips from his hands, he presumes that it is the only way.
Meanwhile, while Lara and Jacob treats the wounded remnants in the village, Lara apologizes for what is happening to his people and says Trinity won't stop. Jacob answers that it has been their duty and it is always difficult. Lara then asks about the atlas, which Jacob says that it is an ancient map of the lost city which Trinity will never find at the tower. Jacob says that many of his people are living by the tower and won't be prepared for what's coming ahead, which Lara volunteers to help them. Jacob then asks if she is doing this for the sake of his people, or for the Divine Source which she seeks, which Lara answers both. After exploring the tower area, she finds no sign of the people, to which Jacob tells her via radio to find them in the catacombs because Sofia might have evacuated them there. Lara realizes that Trinity had taken the remnants as hostages in the area and infiltrates the underground catacomb ruins where Trinity's forces had Sofia's group as hostages, killing each of them one by one until they reveal the location of the atlas. Lara rescues them just in time and Sofia reconciles with her. Sofia then tells her that she wants to lead her people to safety, but the catacomb entrance is locked. Lara offers to help by bombing the gate. Sofia then tells her that although she seeks the Divine Source, her people are dying to protect it. Lara answers back, saying that her people are already dying and they can't protect it forever. Sofia tells her that they've already lasted so long and are glad to have her as an ally. Lara then goes to the tower where Trinity is converging and tries to rescue the people there. Jacob radios her and tells her that they are receiving fire from the chopper. He tells Lara to try and catch the attention of the chopper, to which Lara succeeds to get the upper hand. The remnants manage to take down the chopper with fire arrows, but Sofia tells her that Trinity's forces are still swarming the area. After an intense gunfight, Lara manages to fend off all of Trinity's forces in the area.
Lara then asks Jacob about what really is the Divine Source, to which Jacob says that it is a long forgotten artifact that their Prophet took and hid in the lost city of Kitezh. They believed it holds a part of God's souls and that it will grant anyone who held it with immortality. The remnants are trying to stop Trinity from spreading darkness around the world and that if they found the Divine Source, their soldiers will be unstoppable. Lara then tells him to help her find the artifact before they do. She says that it is not just their burden but also her burden because her father died for it. Jacob tells her that she can't fill the emptiness inside her, but only set it free. She then continues her quest, with which Sofia tells her that since she helped them, she'll help Lara. Sofia tells her that the atlas is in the cathedrals but they won't follow her because there are the "deathless ones" in the area who will kill anyone who even trespass. Lara accepts the challenge, and explores the cathedral. Sofia gives her a grapple/wire spool to help her reach the area. After stealthily avoiding Trinity's forces guarding the area, she finds access to the inner ruins and sees Ana overseeing the operations. Trinity is trying to bomb the floor, believing that the atlas is hidden underground. Lara ambushes them and threatens to kill Ana. Ana tells her that she'll never shoot her because it will be too cold even for Lara. Lara realizes her foot is tied to the explosives on the floor. Ana then shouts and orders to kill her, in which Lara responds by shooting the explosives. Lara and Ana fall underground with Ana falling on a higher platform than Lara. Ana tells Lara to reconsider her offer before it's too late, with which Lara says that it was already too late when Ana betrayed her family. Then she shoots Ana in the left chest and tells her to go to hell. Ana radios trinity and furiously orders them to give her the atlas. Lara delves deeper and finds the artifact, only to be ambushed by Trinity's forces. Lara makes advantage of the Greek fire vessels in the area to kill the mercenaries. She swims under the archives only to be chased down by flamethrower-wielding mercenary. With him, the water starts to burn and the upper areas explodes one after the other as sulfur surrounds the area. Then she uses the Greek Fire to take down a statue and blow her exit, only to be shot down by Greek fire arrows from the deathless ones. Lara manages to escape. Jacob contacts her and tells her to bring the atlas to the observatory.
Jonah finally finds a way to contact her and is relieved after realizing that Lara is still alive. Lara finds her way back to the observatory and reunites with Jonah. Lara then uses the atlas to determine the location of Kitezh and realizes that it is under the glaciers. However, Trinity's forces storm and attack the area. Lara falls off the window but manages to grab the chains. Jonah immediately grabs the atlas and attacks the mercenaries. Before one of the mercenaries could kill Lara, Jonah pushes him off the window. As he pulls Lara, a mercenary grabs Jonah and the artifact and escapes with a chopper. With Jacob wounded and Jonah and the artifact under Trinity's hands, Lara chases Trinity and starts from the old Copper Mill to the Gulag Prison, staging a daring rescue to save Jonah even if it means losing the Divine Source. Meanwhile, Ana and Konstantin had used the atlas in Trinity's Observatory and had started digging operations under the glacier. Ana fears that Trinity is just using them and will not let Konstantin keep the artifact to save her. Konstantin tells her to have faith.
Lara discovers that Trinity had beaten Jonah, forcing him to give information about the Divine Source. But he managed to keep up, causing Konstantin to lose patience and do the torture himself. Lara helps the remnant prisoners escape and shoots the glass window overlooking the room Jonah and Konstantin are in, causing a diversion. Jonah attacks Konstantin and steals his gun, threatening to shoot him, but Konstantin deceives him and tells him that he was just doing what he thought was right, causing Jonah to lose his focus on him. Lara tells him not to believe Konstantin, but it was too late. Konstantin grabs a knife and stabs Jonah. Konstantin escapes and orders his men to sweep the area and kill her. The remnant prisoners help Jonah, telling Lara that only Jacob can help Jonah, yet they are surrounded by Trinity's forces. After repelling Trinity's forces, Lara and the remnant prisoners bring Jonah to the observatory and leaves him under Jacob's care. Jacob chants a prayer and uses his healing miracles, leading Lara to realize that he Jacob is actually the deathless prophet. Jacob reveals to her that the Divine Source is a deeply powerful artifact he found long ago, but is not actually divine. He lied to his people to protect them. He once used the source to grant his armies long lives, but it was a terrible mistake. When enemies attacked Kitezh, the Deathless Ones brought the ice down upon the city. Thousands were killed, and they committed an atrocity to keep the power, and so will Trinity, but on a much larger scale. Sofia appears and tells them that Trinity had started digging operations under the glacier. Sofia and her men offers to attack Trinity. Lara asks about the secret path leading to the city, which Jacob reveals as the dangerous Path of the Deathless, but Lara offers to explore it. Jacob radios Lara inside and tells her about the Orrery, which was built by ancient astronomers before the deathless buried the area in ice. Jacob tells her that she needs the Orrery mechanism to open the entrance to Kitezh. Sofia radios Lara and tells her that they are on the mountain glaciers and are ready to fight Trinity, but Lara tells her to not attack too soon. She delves deeper into the Old City and sneaks past the deathless ones, who are preparing for an attack on Trinity as well. However, their attack is delayed when one of the Deathless Ones see Lara. Lara narrowly avoids the Greek fire and kills the Deathless Ones. As she explores the village of the Deathless Ones, she realizes that a gate is blocking the entrance to the Chamber of Souls where the Divine Source is located. Soon, more of the Deathless Ones attack. Lara kills them and uses their trebuchet to bomb the entrance. Once she gets inside, Trinity had started bombing the glacier, causing huge chunks of ice to drop. The events escalate quickly. Trinity forces inside, battling the Deathless Ones. Sofia and the remnants help Lara escape from the Deathless Ones and Trinity's forces by taking them down. The remnants uses the trebuchet to help Lara destroy Konstantin's chopper. As she embarks on a final platforming challenge to climb the Chamber of Souls and race for the Divine Source, it becomes a challenge as flaming shots from the trebuchet manipulated by the Deathless Ones, Trinity's forces, and Deathless Ones all climb up the Chamber of Souls all racing for the one Divine Source. Konstantin's chopper comes back and is too fast for Sofia's trebuchet shots. But Lara manages to shoot the fireballs once close to the chopper, thereby destroying it. It crashes into the castle, destroying a part of it. Lara falls down near the crash site, where Konstantin steals her weapons. Lara engages him in a final battle, using her climbing axe and knife while Konstantin has her bow and is using an assault rifle. Lara manages to distract him by throwing objects around, having a change to stab him with her climbing axe and knife. After a long battle, Lara finally kills Konstantin. With him dying, he says that he was meant for greatness and his death was not his destiny. Lara tells him that it was never his destiny. Lara revealed to him that his sister deceived and tricked him into thinking that he was chosen. Konstantin tells her that Trinity killed his pathetic father. He begged for his life, when that failed, he begged for Lara's. She finishes him off and rushes to the very center of the city, where Ana is about to use the Divine Source. Lara tells her that her that Konstantin and his men are defeated and that is what Trinity had always wrought - death. This shocks Ana. Lara tells her to give it up, but Ana refuses to, telling her that she doesn't want to give it to Trinity and that Lara is dooming her father to be mocked by history. Ana is dismayed by her and tells her how can she let it go when she is so close. Lara answers, stating that she is ready to make a sacrifice. Lara tells her that she can't let her take it. Ana replies, saying that they could save millions of suffering and dying people and change the world together. Lara says that the cost is too high and that they aren't meant to live forever because death is a part of live. Ana answers back, saying that it's easy for her to say because she is not the one who is dying. Lara tells her that it isn't about her but it is about protecting what it means to be human. A mercenary appears and tells Ana that they are surrounded, but soon gets stabbed by Jacob. Ana shoots Jacob multiple times. Jacob shouts that the divine source is not meant for the world. As Lara aims her gun at Ana, she aims her gun at Lara as well. Ana tells Lara that it's her chance to prove herself after everything they've both done. An army of the deathless ones corner Ana, which leaves her no choice but to unleash the powers of the artifact. The artifact overpowers Ana dropping the shining blue crystal. Lara grabs it but would not look at it for it might overpower her as well. Lara finally breaks the Divine Source into pieces, letting the power escape from the crystal. Now that the Divine Source is destroyed, the Deathless Ones lose their immortality and die. Jacob loses his immortality and dies as well. In his last words, before dying, he says that he've met few as extraordinary as Lara and that she already made a difference. With his final words: "You already have", Jacob peacefully disintegrates.
In Croft Manor, Lara had listened to his father's last words on a tape, "My dearest Lara, I often think about how my father would turn over in his grave if he knew the shame I had brought upon my family name. Croft....what does it even mean? I just hope you can make your own mark on this world someday. Remember that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are." Jonah tells her that breaking the source was the right thing to do. Lara replies, thinking that she still let him down. Jonah told her that he would've made the right choice. Jonah then tells her that she still has a plane to catch. Then the two leave off in the manor.
"I had listened to his last tape a thousand times, but it's as if I was hearing my father's words only now ,  for the first time. It doesn't matter what choices he would've made... I have to make my own. The myth of Kitezh was real. There are secrets out there that can change the world. I need to find them. Not for my father ,not for anyone else. Trinity is still out there and they're more powerful than I ever imagined. I can stop them , I can make a difference. I can make the right difference."
After the credits roll, a post credits scene start, happening just after Lara destroys the Divine Source. Lara and a sickly weakened Ana walks through the snow in Northeastern Siberia. A weak Ana sits on a rock and coughs. Lara asks what did she mean when she said 'another Croft doesn't have to die for this.'  Lara realizes she killed her father and so aims her gun at Ana. Ana tells her that Trinity ordered his execution but she couldn't do it. Lara dismisses it as a lie. Ana tells her that she loved him, before being shot by a hidden sniper. The hidden sniper asks his boss on the radio what to do to Lara, telling him if he should kill her as well, to which his boss tells him not to... yet

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